The Ultimate Guide to Sealing Air Ducts: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you looking for the best way to seal air ducts? Sealing air ducts is an essential part of home improvement projects, as it can significantly impact the efficiency of HVAC systems. Beyond improving airflow efficiency, sealing air ducts offers a variety of additional advantages. In this article, we'll discuss why it's important to seal air ducts, the best materials to use, and how to do it yourself or hire an expert. To begin with, sealing air leaks with putty sealant or metallic tape and isolating any ducts you can access (such as those in attics, mezzanines, unfinished basements, and garages) is a great place to start.

Never use adhesive tape, as it doesn't last long. You must use quality duct sealing compounds to properly seal the ducts. A silicone-based duct sealant that is easily applied with a putty gun is a great option. This sealant will cover cracks and holes and keep moisture at bay. Leaks in the air duct will allow cold or warm air to escape before it reaches the desired living spaces in the house.

Sealing air ducts is often an afterthought in many home improvement projects, but it can increase or decrease the efficiency of HVAC systems. So, beyond improving airflow efficiency, why bother sealing ducts in the first place?

Benefits of Sealing Air Ducts

A thorough inspection and proper sealing of the ducts can clog holes that could cause diseases and damage the air conditioning system. Your home's ducts carry hot or cold air from the oven's air controller to every room in the house.Butyl adhesive tape and oriented polypropylene (OPP) tape are good options because they can create a surprisingly good seal around duct joints and offer a high level of durability. However, in most buildings, damaged ducts cause 20 to 30 percent air loss throughout the duct system.

DIY vs Professional Sealing

The DIY method of sealing air ducts saves money, but it can be quite a challenge for beginners, especially if you are trying to enter hard-to-reach areas or when there are hidden leaks behind drywall.

So hiring an expert to clean and seal your ducts could save you doctor visits and medical expenses in the future. Some people argue that the air coming out of the duct is still in the house, so energy isn't actually lost. That means it would take you 3 to 4 years to pay the additional cost of hiring a company like Aeroseal to seal your air ducts.

How to Seal Air Ducts

The air ducts work by providing convenient ways for the air conditioner from your air conditioning equipment to flow to the desired rooms. Butyl adhesive tape and oriented polypropylene (OPP) tape are good options because they can create a surprisingly good seal around duct joints and offer a high level of durability. Buy UL181 aluminum tape for high temperatures in the duct section of a home appliance and use it to seal the joints of round ducts. Make sure you apply enough pressure when applying tape so that it adheres properly.


Sealing air ducts is an important part of home improvement projects that can improve airflow efficiency and offer a multitude of additional benefits.

You can do it yourself with putty sealant or metallic tape, but hiring an expert may be worth it in terms of time saved and medical expenses avoided. Make sure you use quality materials such as UL181 aluminum tape for high temperatures when sealing your air ducts.

Joel Reid
Joel Reid

Extreme zombie advocate. Lifelong tv junkie. Wannabe web aficionado. Lifelong twitter enthusiast. Hipster-friendly bacon junkie. Travelaholic.