Maximizing Efficiency with Duct Sealing Putty

Duct sealant is a material used to create a seal that blocks moisture, dust, and air movement, as well as noise. It is non-conductive, non-corrosive, and will never dry out, making it easy to remove, reshape, and reapply when needed. Air duct sealing putty is a flexible, non-hardening compound designed to seal ducts without the need for a compressor or refrigerant. It can be used to seal leaks in both rectangular and round ducts.

The product has been tested and approved by an independent testing laboratory for use in air conditioning and air treatment systems. Depending on the situation, you can use a putty to repair small holes and cracks in metal ducts or a putty sealant to repair larger holes in metal or flexible ducts. The main difference between putty for sealing ducts and putty for plumbers is the ingredients used to make them and their melting points. Now that you understand the benefits of using duct sealant, it's time to learn when and how to use it for maximum efficiency. The vast majority of putties for sealing air ducts are non-toxic, making them safe for use in areas where ventilation is poor or access to safety equipment is limited. Putty for sealing air ducts is ideal for these situations, as it is usually cheaper than tapes and other types of sealants but equally effective in creating a reliable seal. Duct sealing putty is perfect for blocking dust, moisture, noise, and air movement through duct holes.

Gardner Bender duct sealing putty is the perfect solution for filling gaps in your electrical installations. These leaks can be repaired with a putty to seal air ducts, which will form a permanent bond with the metal surface. If you're learning how to use putty to seal gaps in ducts, it's best to use quality materials; don't try to skimp on the cheapest brands out there. The biggest advantage of putty for sealing air ducts is that you don't have to worry about getting dirty afterwards.

What Are the Benefits of Using Duct Sealing Putty?

Duct sealing putty has similar properties as other types of sealants but is specifically formulated for use in ducts and other types of heating and cooling components. It is non-toxic, making it safe for use in areas where ventilation is poor or access to safety equipment is limited.

When Should You Use Duct Sealing Putty?

Putty for sealing air ducts should be used when you need a reliable seal that will block dust, moisture, noise, and air movement through duct holes.

It can also be used to repair small holes and cracks in metal ducts or larger holes in metal or flexible ducts.

How To Use Duct Sealing Putty Properly

Using quality materials is essential when learning how to use putty to seal gaps in ducts. Start by cleaning the area around the hole or crack with a damp cloth or brush. Then apply the putty evenly around the hole or crack until it forms a tight seal.

Allow the putty to dry completely before using the system again.

The Benefits of Using Duct Sealing Putty

Duct leaks are one of the most overlooked aspects of an air conditioning system; the average home wastes 20-30% of air flow due to these leaks. If you're wondering how to use duct sealant to make your air conditioning system more efficient, read on for all the secrets behind using duct sealing putty properly. The biggest advantage of using this material is that it creates a reliable seal that blocks dust, moisture, noise, and air movement through duct holes. It can also be used to repair small holes and cracks in metal or flexible ducts without having to worry about getting dirty afterwards. Another benefit of using this material is that it's non-toxic and safe for use in areas where ventilation is poor or access to safety equipment is limited.

This makes it ideal for situations where tapes and other types of sealants may not be suitable.


Duct sealing putty is an effective way of blocking dust, moisture, noise, and air movement through duct holes. It can also be used to repair small holes and cracks in metal or flexible ducts. When using this material, make sure you use quality materials and follow the instructions carefully so that you can maximize efficiency.

Joel Reid
Joel Reid

Extreme zombie advocate. Lifelong tv junkie. Wannabe web aficionado. Lifelong twitter enthusiast. Hipster-friendly bacon junkie. Travelaholic.